Tuesday 11 November 2014



A spinning workout or what we call “Spin”, is a great way to burn calories and relieve stress. The workout involves a stationary bike with various tension levels. The bike also records your progress which motivates you to continue and achieve your fitness goals. There are some great benefits from a spinning workout.
Burn Calories
A 45 minute spin workout may allow you to burn approximately 500 calories which is greater than other forms of exercise. However, the intensity of the workout will determine the amount of calories burnt. As such, you can adjust your tension according to the desired intensity.

Build Muscle Tone
This workout allows you to build muscle tone. The workout mainly focuses on the core muscles, buttocks and thighs. When you pedal, you work out your calves and thighs. If you maintain the standard position of the bike, it helps to build your abdominal muscles. When you pedal quickly, it starts the fat burning process.

Increased Cardio Endurance
Regular spinning classes increase your cardio endurance. This triggers the body to feel pumped and energized during daily activities.

 Low Impact Exercise
This exercise reduces pressure on knees and joints in comparison to other exercises such aerobics or running. This workout is ideal for persons that suffer from arthritis.

Relieve Stress
Spin is an intensive workout and it is also a class which allows persons to meet and socialize. The class is guided by an instructor which motivates persons throughout the workout. The use of upbeat music also assists to create a stress relieving environment.

Reduced Risks of Injury
As compared to other exercises, the risk of injury is low. However, remember to stretch and warm up before classes to ensure you don’t pull any muscles.
Adjustable Tempo
The adjustable tensions on your spin bike can be changed in the workout session. Your instructor will indicate when to adjust your tension level. This is influenced by your desired fitness goals.

Track Your Progress
Most bikes have devices attached to track calories burnt, mileage and pulse. This works as a motivating factor to achieve your desired goals.

Whether you’re at the gym or have a spin bike of your own, just hop on that spin bike, load this video on your smart device, have some fun and burn some calories!!! 
Look great, Feel great!!


  1. Trust me it does. Spin is an excellent form of exercise and has become well known throughout gyms worldwide. Keep spinning!

  2. The trendy spin craze wheels into San Diego with SparkCycle's pulsating music and dance-party vibe Spin Class San Diego.

  3. Nice post! We can burn 500-1000 calories through spinning workout than other fitness exercises. So everyone can enjoy the spin. Thanks Kenny.
